
Area Manager
Our story began in 1987. A challenge initiated with baby steps and furthered with the right reverential respect for the colossal industry leaders. On our part, we responded with enthusiasm, good work ethics, clear ideas and achievable facts.
We based ourselves on the concept of simple yet essential appearance for our development: the stylist and the unique value of his/her professional role are at the centre of all our actions.
Our company creates, formulates, produces and sells colors and exclusive cosmetic solutions for hairdressers, privileging the direct relationship with the stylist, Itely Hairfashion’s primary partner.
The fact that Itely Hairfashion is now an international organization with offices, branches and subsidiaries throughout the world is due to three key factors that are part of our DNA: authentic promises, product excellence and professional skills. These are the key elements which, along with Innovation and Research, have consolidated our brand and corporate reputation.
We are" Made in Itely" and are proud to be because this is a concept that goes beyond the simple meaning of domestic production. It means experience, culture, creativity and Italian stylewhich work together with the latest international trends, creating a powerhouse of ideas and plans. It is a distinctive value, it is a lifestyle we have made our own because it is part of us and inseparably tied to our history and work ethics. We take it with us throughout the world because it is an art worth sharing.
Being Itely Hairfashion is something to be experienced fi rst-hand as a star and not a simple spectator. If you share our values and ideas, join us. We’re waiting for you!!!
I, you, us: Itely
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